The Toy Coach

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Case Study: How Anita Castellar Built A Licensing Career in the Toy Industry

Anita Castellar’s makes her journey into the toy industry as a licensor and business owner. Over many years Anita has molded a successful career in licensing, becoming a key player in connecting beloved intellectual properties (IPs) with manufacturers and consumers alike. Through her consulting business, FanGirl Consulting and Brand Management, LLC, Anita has transformed countless brands into household names, working alongside major companies such as Disney, Lucas Films, and Hasbro. This case study will explore strategies, insights, and expertise that Anita has gained to be a standout figure in the toy licensing industry.

Meet Anita Castellar

Anita is the founder and CEO of her company FanGirl Consulting and Brand Management, LLC, which specializes in licensing and entertainment. Anita and her company function as a broker agency where they would work with either the licensor or a licensee. They assits in working out deals between the two or on behalf of each one, depending on the situation. Depending on the client's wants, they have to talk it out, work through that vision, and then say, okay, here's what we can do for you and your business. Using information such as specific skill sets of each party and a provided wishlist, among other financial offerings, Anita closes a deal between the two creating a stronger company.

How did "FanGirl Consulting and Brand Management, LLC" come to be?

Anita's journey into the toy industry began with her degree in business management, with a concentration in international business, from Canisius College in Buffalo, New York. After completing her studies, she started working at Disney's theme parks, where she quickly advanced through the ranks. During her time at Disney, she immersed herself in the entertainment and toy industry, leveraging the company's vast resources, including manufacturers, designers, and product developers, to learn the intricacies of product development and storytelling.

In 2009, Anita transitioned to working with Hasbro and Lucasfilm, where she deepened her understanding of the marketing side of the industry. At Lucasfilm, she took on the role of licensing manager for hardlines, focusing on licensing and playing a pivotal role during Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm. After five years at Lucasfilm, Anita returned to Disney's theme parks, where she contributed to merchandise and product strategies, further honing her expertise in the industry.

After close to a decade of working with Disney and Lucas films she asked herself what next? Anita had already worked on so many projects and had plenty of experience in the industry, so when it came to, her husband came up with the idea for her to create her licensing agency given that she already has the experience and the pile of professional contacts at her disposal. Anita had maintained close relationships with former licensees from Lucasfilm. They would often even seek out her advice on renegotiating licenses or resolving issues, highlighting her ongoing influence and the trust she had built in the industry. Her diverse industry contacts, accumulated over the years, provided a solid foundation for this new venture.

Anita operates as a broker through her company, FanGirl Consulting and Brand Management, LLC. Her agency offers a flexible approach, working either with brand owners (licensors) or manufacturers (licensees), and sometimes both. Her role involves brokering deals and facilitating successful partnerships, leveraging her extensive industry skill sets and knowledge. When working with her clients, she collaborates closely with them to understand their goals and refine their vision.

How does Anita Castellar process her licensing deals?

When a manufacturer seeks to partner with a well-known or compatible brand, navigating the licensing landscape can be challenging. This is where Anita Castellar and her agency come into play, acting as the intermediary between the licensor (the brand owner) and the licensee (the manufacturer).

Anita begins by conducting an in-depth consultation with the manufacturer (the licensee) to understand their goals, vision, and specific needs for the partnership. She uses this information to pitch the manufacturer to a brand of choice (the licensor), using an introductory deck. If the brand of choice is in into the idea and likes what the manufacturer has to offer, Anita typically organizes a preliminary meeting with the brand owner (the licensor) to introduce her client, the manufacturer. After this initial introduction, the manufacturer (the licensee) and the brand owner (the licensor) will engage in further discussions to finalize the licensing agreement.

The primary objective for Anita and her agency is to facilitate a smooth and successful partnership, ensuring the fastest path to a "yes" and a seamless collaboration between the brand owner and the manufacturer.

What are the common mistakes when choosing to license a brand?

Anita points out many of the pitfalls when it comes to licensing. One of which is to make sure that the brand is worth licensing. When manufacturers are looking for a brand to license they must look at the data that can support the risk that they will take by licensing. They have to look at data such as whether the brand has a big enough following. Is there a demand for their product or a new one? What are the customer demographics? Can customers afford a brand's product? These are all common questions overlooked when it comes to choosing a brand for licensing.

Another important aspect of licensing is to make sure that the manufacture’s and brands aesthetics match up because manufacturers must marry up their goals for their business with brands that they relate to. Many times she has seen manufacturers partner up with brands that don't fit their aesthetic and it just collides with other brands they work with. when manufacturers are overlooking this aspect they are wasting resources to try to properly fit that brand within their company. '

Hidden costs also need to be accounted for, not just in the monetary sense but in the resources. One of the most overlooked aspects is the hidden costs associated with headcount and demand. Anita examples, that licensors often require regular updates, such as quarterly forecasts and retail placement reports. This means you need a team structure that mirrors the licensor’s, with dedicated business and product management roles to handle communication, approvals, and potential revisions efficiently.

Another hidden cost is product testing, especially when dealing with children’s products. Licensors may require specific testing before products can be shipped, and these tests need to be conducted at approved labs, adding to the expenses. Failing to account for these testing costs can significantly impact the product's profitability.

In addition, when trying to branch out for licensing Castellar advocates for the idea of working with people who are of a similar level as you, for example, if you’re a manufacturer and you know that you might not have the funds or facilities for a large IP, you should just start with smaller IPs. "Start Small to get big" ~ Anita Castellar

Tips and Experience by Anita Castellar

Anita Casteller was once told by her boss to put her product in danger of being bought, so she would constantly tell people about it, what it is, and where they can find it. The lesson taught to her was to get her products/services' names out there so that they could circulate the market.

To take advantage of social media as a means of marketing. Social media is only growing the traffic on those sites is enormous and if you can get ads or even partnerships with influencers, that is a marketing strategy that can bring a lot of traffic to your business.

Get in contact with Anita Castellar and FanGirl Consulting and Brand Management, LLC:


