The Toy Coach

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Create a Fail-Proof Marketing Plan With The 3-Step Toy Marketing Pyramid

Here’s some solid toy advice: before you even create your product, you need to have a marketing plan. Having marketing at the core of your toy creation will allow you to do more than just make it, it will allow you to sell it! 

This 3-step toy marketing triangle creates a solid foundation and lets you know where you can begin with your marketing plan. This plan is accessible to anyone, and can be scaled up or down depending on your needs and budget. 

  1. The Base: A Content Library

A pyramid is only as strong as its base. Your content is the foundation that will make the rest of your marketing plan a success. The content can be anything that relates to your product. Here are some examples of types of content you can make:

  • A blog

  • A toy podcast or other audio recordings

  • Photos on an Instagram page

  • Videos on Tik Tok or Youtube

The type of content should be geared towards your target audience, so before you choose, do some research on the types of people you’re marketing to. 

Now, what you post on your content channels should relate to your actual product. It should also highlight your beliefs and values. You need to use your content to create a story that will move people to click that link and make a purchase, or at the very least, press the like button and share it with their connections.

If you need some guidance on how to figure out what type of content to make, check out this episode of The Toy Coach Podcast: Making It in the Toy Industry. In episode #62 of The Toy Coach Podcast, you will find all sorts of tips for figuring out the “puzzle of you” so you can market your unique story. 

2. The Next Level: Spread the Word & Don’t be Shy

Now it’s time to pick up your megaphone and get the word out about your product and your story. If you’re feeling shy, start with your friends and family. They can not only give you likes on social media but they will also give you their honest feedback which can help you improve your messaging.

Next, promote, promote, promote. Post on social media every day, make new blog posts, or send out e-mail newsletters. Your content channel may be different from someone else’s. However, what all content channels have in common is that you can not be shy. Come at it with confidence, and it will shine through. People have confidence in those who have confidence in themselves.

Don’t be afraid to share part of yourself too. Remember, you want to create a story that people connect with. For example, I felt like I really had a marketing breakthrough when I shared about my experiences as a Black podcaster. That generated a lot of buzz which eventually led to me getting on NBC’s Access Daily as a toy consultant featuring diverse toys for the holidays. Check out that video and blog post here.

3. Top of the Pyramid: Hire Professionals

Regardless of your budget, you are going to need to harness the knowledge of professionals at some point. This can mean one of two things: 

  1. You can hire professionals to do the work for you.

  2. You can hire professionals to teach you how to do the work yourself.

If you hire a professional outright, you may hire a public relations agency to get your product on TV and in the spotlight. The benefit of doing this is that it frees you up to work on what you do best - developing your product. 

Learning from professionals often costs less than hiring someone outright and there are options available for many different budgets. It is, however, more time consuming than hiring someone to do it for you. 

One course I would recommend is Go Pitch Yourself by Angie Trueblood. You can get 10% off this course when you sign up with the promo code “thetoycoach.” To learn more about that offer click here.

Now let’s be honest, this DIY route may not be ideal for everyone. It involves a lot of hard work, patience, and consistency. But as an entrepreneur, you may enjoy working your way up the media ladder and learning the ins and outs of the toy industry.

Feeling nervous when making your toy pitch is totally normal, so don’t rule yourself out if you’ve got that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling.

Ready to take on the marketing pyramid? I challenge you to come up with three new content ideas this week. Tag me on instagram @thetoycoach when you post them, I want to see you growing, learning and applying this advice so I can cheer you on!

Remember, whether you're simply a beginner or an expert toy consultant, we all have a few things in common. Feeling thrilled, anxious, and scared. Believe it or not these emotions are quite normal, and it's critical you remember that they're apart of the bigger process. Just hang in there and embrace your journey.

Want to learn more about how to market your toy inventions? Check out these podcast episodes…

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