The Toy Coach

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Quick WIT: The Benefits of Joining Women in Toys, Licensing & Entertainment

Starting out in the toy (or any professional) industry can be a long, difficult, and even lonely journey. Luckily, there’s an organization dedicated to the success and empowerment of women working in the toy, licensing, and entertainment industries.

Women in Toys, Licensing, & Entertainment (WIT)

Women in Toys, Licensing & Entertainment (WIT) is working toward the advancement of women through leadership, networking, and educational opportunities.

Not a woman? No problem!

No really, I mean it!

To join WIT, your only requirement is to support the advancement of women in our industry. By becoming a member, you’re already doing just that! WIT has some big and exciting things coming up. So, to bring you up to speed, I’ve answered four questions that best characterize what it means to be a member and determine if WIT is right for you.



WIT has over 2,200 members globally. As the leading collaborative community in the industry, the non-profit organization’s mission is to advance the careers of women in the toy, licensing, and entertainment industries.

Their mentorship programs, virtual and live events, webinars, online discussion forums, networking opportunities, and much more are available for professionals at any stage of their career.

16 powerhouse women from every corner of the industry make up the board of directors, who volunteer their time in support of the programming, initiatives, and events that benefit WIT’s members. Janice Ross, current President of WIT, has over 20 years of experience from leading brands such as Lego, Lisa Frank, and American Greetings. Running the org’s day-to-day staff behind the scenes is Executive Director, Mary Kay Russell. 


WIT MEMBERSHIP Q & A #2: Is WIT for inventors?

Yes! As a toy industry newcomer, your first goal should be to get yourself in the room- the room being any event in which you’ll have the chance to speak with experienced industry professionals and LEARN.

While members’ job isn’t to give away all their hard-earned wisdom and secrets, the organization does exist to help connect women in the industry with potential partners, resources, clients, and maybe even friends. When you join, you’re immediately encouraged to participate in virtual and online events with members worldwide. As mentioned, that’s over 2,000 valuable networking opportunities in the growing and thriving toy community!

 Once you’ve managed to get in the room and start listening and observing, one thing you should be picking up on is talk of trade shows and industry events. Women In Toy’s Empowerment Day, one of their biggest industry events, typically takes place every October during the Dallas Toy Fair.

Due to the Coronavirus, WIT is taking the event virtual; but for now, let's focus on the event as it traditionally is held since it’s a huge benefit exclusively for WIT members.

Creator of Little Rebels and proud WIT member Marjorie Spitalnik credits the feedback and comments she received from toy biz giants at Empowerment Day for giving her the motivation to launch and ultimately succeed with her successful Kickstarter campaign. WIT Empowerment Day kicks off with eight hours worth of priceless access, one-on-one mentoring sessions, private pitches, and more with toy industry execs; the intimate day ends with a cocktail hour for extra networking opportunities!

So yes, WIT is an organization suited for toy inventors!


WIT MEMBERSHIP Q & A #3: What kind of educational & networking opportunities does WIT offer inventors and others working in the toy industry?

WIT Webinars

Even before stay-at-home orders, WIT went virtual with the introduction of educational webinars. Members can attend these webinars 3-4 times per month online from the comfort of your own home. They cover helpful topics such as industry regulations, changing your career, and industry trends or predictions. Additionally, WIT members can access all past webinars, over two dozen, stored in an online archive. This library alone is worth the price of membership, as each webinar host is a leader in their specific category. “How to Use Analytics to Improve Product Development and Launch Success,” “Toy Safety 101,” and “Toys to TV” are just a few examples of past topics that newcomers to the industry may find helpful.


Mentorship Program

Named after the woman who created Barbie and paved the way for women to succeed in the toy industry, the Ruth Handler Mentorship Program matches mentees with one of over 200 experienced mentors from companies like Mattel, Google, Lego, Disney, SpineMaster, Water Bros., and more! The four-month partnership is tailored to help you meet your personal and specific goals.


Concierge Service

Each regional chapter hosts its own local networking events that any member can register for and attend. They’ve been held at venues ranging from trendy bowling alleys and arcade bars to opening night parties for high-end toy stores. Due to social distancing and stay-at-home orders, WIT networking is now virtual, as chapters host online mixers, keynote speakers, and webinars, yet plans to resume live events as soon as safely possible. If/when you join, just jump in! Say hello, strike up conversations, and try to make friends before making business deals.


Wonder Women Awards

The WIT Wonder Women Awards Gala is an annual celebration held during the New York International Toy Fair honoring the achievements of women in the toy & entertainment industries. The formal evening is complete with an elegant cocktail hour, seated dinner, and awards ceremony. As an inventor, this event is a great opportunity to find your tribe, connect with like-minded professionals, and most importantly, learn from one another.


Virtual Networking

Aside from the members-only Facebook group, and even more direct method of online networking is set to launch in May. WIT CHAT is a discussion forum built via Slack that will allow you to connect with the entire community. It will provide a private platform to give and receive recommendations, find resources, share information about your own product or business, and find answers to any burning industry questions.


WIT MEMBERSHIP Q & A #4: Member Testimonials

If all those “WIT-ty” perks haven’t convinced you to join today, you may just need some audio-spiration. Nine MVP members of Women In Toys have shared their personal experiences with the community, along with what being in WIT means to them. These testimonies are featured on Episode #16 (at minute 18:51) of “Making It In The Toy Industry!"

I joined WIT just over a year ago, and in that time I’ve created dozens of new connections and strengthened existing ones. With that, I urge you to join in on the fun as a member, and if you do, make sure you let them know The Toy Coach sent you!


Happy networking, toy people!

To learn more about toy networking opportunities, check out these podcast episodes.

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