The Toy Coach

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#235 How to Use Consent-Based Email Marketing To Sell More Toys

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Is Your Email Marketing Consent-Compliant, or Are You Just Spamming? In digital marketing circles, consent in email marketing has never been a hotter topic. Before the toy industry gets left in the dust on what constitutes as "consent" in email marketing, you NEED this episode.

Today on Making It in the Toy Industry, The Toy Coach shares a conversation with email marketer Tarzan Kay to break down why getting clear, informed, and revocable consent is more important than ever. With the rise of regulations in email marketing it's essential to ensure that your email list is not only compliant, but engaged.

How many times have you come back from a toy show only to be bombarded by random newsletters you never signed up for? Not only is this an annoying reality, but it’s a surefire way to tank your reputation, deliverability, and those all-important open rates.

Tarzan joins the show to get real about to build a valid email list—whether it’s with lead magnets, trade show contacts, or discount codes. In this episode learn tips on how to keep your list engaged, rather than running for the unsubscribe button.

💡 Key Takeaways

Understanding Consent: It’s gotta be freely given, informed, and easily revocable.

Storytelling in Emails: Think your emails are boring? They probably are. Amp up engagement with storytelling—when you connect with your audience, magic (and higher open rates) happen.

Lead Magnets and Consent: Sure, lead magnets can reel in subscribers, but are they quality leads? Without solid consent, you might be attracting people who don’t actually want to hear from you.

Segmentation and Personalization: One-size-fits-all doesn’t cut it. Segment your audience and serve them relevant content.

Managing Frequency and Preferences: Let your subscribers decide how often they hear from you. Giving them control equals fewer unsubscribes and happier inboxes.

Episode Cliff Notes

  • Want to keep your subscribers happy? Find out how informed consent can transform your email game. [08:23].

  • Learn the secret to avoiding legal issues and ensuring high email deliverability by understanding the power of genuinely informed consent.

  • Ever thought a toy company email could be... fun? Tarzan rewrites one with a killer opening line using non-linear storytelling. [15:07].

  • Azhelle Wade and Tarzan Kay ideate email marketing strategies specific for the toy industry, such as humanized brand representation [18:00].

  • One simple trick to reduce your unsubscribe rates and improve the subscriber experience—don’t miss it. [23:45].