The Toy Coach

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#226: This Toy Delivers Real Mail Every Week To Kids Across The Globe with Wendy Lattimore

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Can Snail Mail Still Captivate Today's Tech-Savvy Kids? 
Are today's digital-native children still charmed by the simple pleasure of receiving a physical letter? In Episode 226 of the "Making It in the Toy Industry" podcast, Virginia Lette engages with Wendy Lattimore, a successful graduate of the Toy Creators Academy (TCA), to explore this fascinating topic. Wendy's inspiring journey from traditional mail to innovative toy creation will challenge your perceptions of outdated communication methods.

From Executive Assistant to Innovative Toy Creator 
Meet Wendy Lattimore,  an executive assistant and innovative toy entrepreneur. Her journey began with her son's reluctance to engage in reading, which sparked the innovative idea of mailed letters from his beloved stuffed animals. This led to the creation of "Sunny the Mail Snail" and "Mailbox Mutts," engaging children with weekly personalized letters that spark joy and imagination.

Key Insights for Aspiring Toy Entrepreneurs 
This episode dives into Wendy’s transition into entrepreneurship, detailing her initial challenges and creative breakthroughs. Listen to her firsthand experiences and learn how she balanced a full-time job with her startup aspirations, leveraging her TCA education to navigate the complexities of the toy industry. Wendy’s story is a blueprint for anyone dreaming of turning a simple idea into a thriving business in today’s competitive toy market.

3 Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  1. Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Wendy creatively used letters to engage her son, proving that necessity can drive the most innovative solutions.

  2. Validation through Community: Wendy stresses the significance of mentorship and peer validation for bolstering confidence and refining one’s product.

  3. Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Her mantra, inspired by her character Sunny, is all about focusing on quality and taking thoughtful steps rather than rushing to the market.

Wendy's story of developing her toy business is a blueprint for aspiring toy creators who think outside the box. To hear all the behind-the-scenes insights and actionable advice she shares, don’t miss out on this episode. Whether you're an entrepreneur at heart or simply curious about turning a quirky idea into a viable business, this interview is a must-listen.

Episode Cliff Notes

  • Discover How Childhood Struggles Inspired One Toy Creator's Journey (00:04:46) Learn the unique story behind Sunny The Mail Snail and how Wendy Lattimore's creative solution to help her own child engage with reading led to the birth of her letter subscription business. This moment of ingenuity was sparked by a little boy's love for his stuffed animals and a mother's dedication.

  • The Power of Toy Creators Academy (00:08:56) Find out how Wendy Lattimore stumbled across the Toy Creators Academy and why it was a game-changer for her toy business. From detailed resources to invaluable mentorship, learn how this course helped her navigate the complex toy industry and provided the clarity she desperately needed.

  • Embracing 'Slow and Steady' in Business Growth (00:19:49) Learn about the significant business lesson Wendy imparts on pacing oneself in a demanding industry. By stepping back to re-evaluate and slowly building a strong foundation, Wendy emphasizes the importance of taking your time in order to succeed and maintain peace in your entrepreneurial journey.