Episode #87: Is My Idea Considered A Toy or Children's Product?

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Remember when you came up with your latest and greatest toy idea? At any point, did you stop and wonder to yourself, is this really a toy product? If you’ve had an idea or two that you weren’t quite sure fell into the category of toys and games, then today’s episode is going to help you clear that thought process right up.

Today’s episode was inspired after about a dozen inquiries I’ve gotten asking to clarify what makes a toy a toy. This episode will walk you through 3 exercises to take your idea through which will help you identify if it’s a toy, game, or kids’ product. Plus, in this episode, I touch on what to do if your idea doesn’t fall into the traditional toy category at all!

Get ready to explore the dictionary definitions of the word toy and play and learn how intended use alone may dictate whether your product is a toy or not. There’s a bit of homework at the end of this episode for you, which requires you to reach out to me, your toy coach. I encourage you to put the work in, and I look forward to watching your toy idea blossom because of it.

When you are ready, let’s dive into today’s episode and learn techniques that will help you finally answer the question, “Is my idea a toy product or not?”.

  • Click here for the CPSC’s comparison of General Use Products VS Children’s Products referenced in this episode.

  • [00:00:00] Azhelle Wade: You are listening to making it in the toy industry episode number 87.

    [00:00:04] Hey there toy people, Azhelle Wade here and welcome back to another episode of the toy coach podcast, making it in the toy industry. This is a weekly podcast brought to you by thetoycoach.com. Today's episode topic is one that was inspired by about a dozen listeners who have tentatively reached out to me, looking for help, but letting me know. And I quote, but I'm not sure my idea as a toy. If you are listening right now, and you've got that lingering question in your mind.

    [00:00:46] If you're thinking I love this podcast. I love learning with Azhelle, but I'm not sure that my product idea is really a toy. And yes, I did just do full on air quotes there.

    [00:01:00] If that's you, if you think that you're not sure if your product is a toy, I really want you to listen in on this episode because out of all of the people who reach out to me asking if their product is a toy, 90% of those products, are indeed a toy, and the other 10% can still benefit from being marketed and pitched just like one.

    [00:01:23] So today in this episode, we're going to explore what makes a product, a toy. And we're going to look at it from a few different angles. I am going to give you three different exercises to go through, to figure out if your product is a toy. Some of these exercises are going to be theoretical some are going to be perspective focused, understanding how the toy industry works and how they might be looking at your product. And another of these angles will be focused on safety. How is your product viewed from a safety perspective. So We're going to look at it from a few different angles. We'll start off with definitions. Cause you know, I love my definitions and we'll kind of theorize. What makes a toy, a toy. Then we will look at the toy industry and how the toy industry sees products as toys and not toys. And then we're going to get really super factual and talk about it from the perspective of safety.

    [00:02:19] By the end of this episode, you'll know what makes a toy. Well, you know, a toy you'll know how the toy industry defines and separates toys and games versus craft and activity, kids, general use products. And more, most importantly, you'll be able to make the distinction if your product is a toy or if it isn't, you'll be able to know how it could benefit from being marketed or pitched like one.

    [00:02:47] Okay. Are you ready? To kick off this conversation. I want to start with a definition of a toy. What is a toy anyway? Have you ever actually looked up the definition of a toy? Well, according to the Oxford dictionary, a toy is an object for a child to play with typically a model or a miniature replica of something but beyond this simplified definition of what a toy is, let's think this through some more. More than what the Oxford dictionary states. We know that a toy is truly any item that is used to conduct play. A toy is a product that is either designed for children or adults, and is not limited to just models of miniature replicas, but a toy is essentially a tool to aid in development, learning, creativity, and expression.

    [00:03:38] Today in the toy industry, we've got a lot of push button toys, which are little vehicles of entertainment, just designed to stimulate the senses of the child who plays with it so they can push a button and watch the toy react light up, or do all of the things that it's designed to do.

    [00:03:55] But truth is we can't possibly fully grasp the definition of a toy if we don't know the definition of play. Am I right? So let's look into that. What is the definition of play now? Again, according to the Oxford dictionary to play is to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than serious or practical.

    [00:04:21] Okay. Okay. Oxford, that's a great start, but we hear we're toy creators. We need to understand play on a much deeper level than that. Am I? Right? So play is an activity, right? It's an activity motivated by our desire for entertainment and enjoyment and relaxation, and to get together in social groups.

    [00:04:44] So it's important that we, as toy creators are honest about the fact that play doesn't only happen with. You might notice this as a parent watching her little one have the most fun that they've had in weeks while playing with a set of keys or playing with your pots and pans. You may notice this as yourself as you find yourself playing.

    [00:05:07] When you go on vacation and engaging in activities like zip lining that aren't utilizing actual toys or games designed for play. But the form of play that matters most to us as toy people is the form of play. That's facilitated by products, products that we create, the toys and games that we make to deliver a certain type of play experience.

    [00:05:31] So the only problem with our Oxford definition of play is that, well, it suggests that if play is serious or practical in any way, it's no longer play. Which of course we have to disagree with. Why? Because we're thinking of our educational products in the toy space. I'm sure that many of my educational product focused listeners.

    [00:05:54] I agree with this as well. We know as toy creators, that there is a developmental play value to educational toys, whether or not the adult or the child playing with a product, realizes they're getting an ROI for their playtime. There is one. So the definition of play cannot just be about products that are designed to entertain because they are also products that will educate.

    [00:06:22] Now when I think of play, I think of laughter and endorphins, but I also think of mental challenges that require a short burst of focus on a relatively simple task. So if you're not sure what I mean by that, I'm thinking the game Simon, you know, it's a challenging game. You're technically putting your brain to work as you memorize the order and color of these flashing lights, but in the process of memorizing.

    [00:06:46] The sound effects that are tied to the game unit and the win lose aspect of it turns this experience to play because of the adrenaline rush and the eventual endorphin release that you get as you play the game with others, win or loose.

    [00:07:02] So when we look back on those Oxford definitions of toys and of the word play, we know that we have to be more flexible with those definitions as toy creators, because play products are not just something that are there to entertain. They're also there to challenge and educate. And we know that play is not only something that happens with a tool that is designed for play, but sometimes it happens with tools that were not intended for play at all.

    [00:07:31] All right. Now I want you to think about your product. It might be a kid's product that you're developing or you're thinking of in your head that you want to develop, or it might be a toy product for adults, maybe a game that you're thinking down the line, I'm definitely going to develop it, but you're just not quite sure how you'll go about it.

    [00:07:52] You might be even on the fence about reaching out to someone like me because you learn a lot from the podcast, but your idea just isn't a toy. So you might be feeling stuck and unsure of what direction to take. Well, I want to start remedying that right now, my friend. Okay.

    [00:08:09] So think of your product. You know, as a matter of fact, if you have your product created, or if you have a sketch of it, I want you to get that out right now and either put that sketch of your product or that prototype of your product on your table, in front of you. And if you don't have a sketch or prototype just close your eyes and imagine your idea as you already see it in your mind's eye.

    [00:08:33] Now, if you're driving, I want you to just keep your eyes open. You can try this exercise when you get home. I want you to listen to these questions that I'm going to lay out for you. Now, before I get into these questions, I do want to say that not everything in the toy industry is black and white. Okay. There is no one answer to if your product is considered a toy, because there are so many variables in answering that question.

    [00:08:59] But I do have a few simple questions that are a great place to start. And whenever somebody messages me and asks is my product, a toy, these are some of the questions that I work through and some of these questions I ask them. So question number one, where would your product live in the home? If your product was for sale right now, and someone purchased it and they brought it home. When they were done playing with it, where would it be kept? Would it be kept in the kids room? Would it be in a family room? Would it be something that would be in a utility closet?

    [00:09:35] This question is kind of an easy, quick way to figure out whether your product is going to be considered a toy simply based on where the product is placed at home. So you might say anything stored in the family room could be a toy or a game product, because it's intended that the whole family will have access to it at all times.

    [00:09:55] Or if your product is going to be placed in a kid's room, it might be considered a toy because it is designed for the kids to be able to access at all times, the parents will feel it's safe for the kids have access to at all times, and the kid will want to have access to this product at all times. And that's why it might be stored in the kids room.

    [00:10:16] While, if you have a product that is more utilitarian, it might be stored in a utility closet when not in use. And if that's the case, that's when you might start thinking to yourself, maybe my product, isn't quite a toy. Maybe it's more of a utility or a necessity.

    [00:10:35] No, let's move on to question. Number two. When would someone interact with your friends? Think about what point in a day would someone, the child or the adult interact with your toy or your game product? What emotional state would they be in right before wanting to interact with your product? Are they going to be feeling anxious?

    [00:10:56] Are they going to be feeling bored? Are they just going to be high energy and their parents are going to be like, here, play with this too, to expel your energy. Considering the various definitions of a toy and a play that we went over earlier.

    [00:11:10] It's helpful to think about when someone might interact with your product to help you determine if it could indeed be viewed as a toy. 

    [00:11:20] Now the next question is probably the most important. How will someone feel after interacting with your product. Will they feel high energy, will they feel like they have stronger bonds with their family? Will they feel like they laughed and got to know their friends some more how your product is going to make someone feel is going to directly relate to whether it can be considered a toy or not.

    [00:11:45] If interacting with, or playing with your toy product, makes someone feel positive and high energy and relaxed or connected to the other person they're playing with. Then it's a product facilitating play. And by our definitions that we went over before it could be considered a toy product.

    [00:12:05] Okay. Question number four. What store do you think you might buy your product in if your product actually existed, where would it be? And to figure out where it would be sold. You have to look for products that are very similar to it. So I know everybody thinks that their idea exists nowhere else, and they're the first people to come up with their idea.

    [00:12:28] But even if, even if your idea is so unique that there is nothing exactly like it on the market, you can likely take elements of your idea apart. And when you separate two very distinct elements from your idea, You can look at the core foundations of your concept or of your item. And then you can say to yourself, where would the, this core foundation, this core concept of my item live?

    [00:12:53] Would it live in Walgreens? Would it live in Walmart? Would it live in urban out? Yeah. Fitters. Where would a product? That's very similar to the idea that I have or a product that is made up of a part of the idea of mine. Where would that live? Yeah, you've got that store in your mind.

    [00:13:12] Maybe it's a grocery store. Maybe it's a department store. Then you want to ask yourself a follow-up question. Do they sell other products that you consider toys in that store? If the answer is, yes, you've already answered your own question. Just with this one here, that your product also might be a toy.

    [00:13:34] Now let's move on to question number five. This is the last question. This series of questions I'd like to ask. Now, the last question you can ask yourself has to do with just play testing your product and what you want to ask yourself. Is this, when someone interacts with your product, how do they react after using it? Do they have an excited expression on their face? Do they want to play with the product again and again? Is your product creating joy and comfort and relaxation.

    [00:14:05] If it's a game when they lose, are they saying, oh, let me just try again. One more time. One more time. I've got it. Usually, these are the key markers of play of fun and essentially of a toy or a game. Now, the series of questions I just walked you through are the same series. I said, I go through whenever an aspiring toy creator reaches out and asks, if their product is considered a toy.

    [00:14:32] And interestingly enough, oftentimes what will happen while asking that series of questions is that I will start working with and they will start uncovering the ways that they could actually make their existing product even more toyetic.

    [00:14:49] So that it can cross over from being, let's say a kid's product, which might be something like room decor or a nightlight to being a true toy. Now you might be wondering what is the benefit of being considered a true toy. Anyway, why is that so important? Well, as we continue, you trying to figure out if our product is truly a toy, every step of the way we are going to dive deeper and deeper.

    [00:15:17] Right. So why is it so important for us to know if our product is a toy beyond asking the surface level initial questions, like where would this product be sold? How do people interact with this product? When do people interact with this product? Now we've got to ask. How does the toy industry see this product?

    [00:15:37] And the reason why it's so important to know if your product is considered a toy is because of toy buyers. So what are toy buyers? Well, toy buyers are the people who work at toy retailers and decide what product goes into the stores and on the shelves of the sections and categories of toys that they.

    [00:16:01] So it's important for you to not only have an understanding of if your product's a toy, but have an understanding of if your product is a toy or some form of a toy, what category does it fall under in play? And what category does it fall under? In a sense. Now if a store is really small, if it's a small retail, like a mom and pop shop, they might have one buyer for everything and then maybe an assistant buyer.

    [00:16:27] But for a larger store, like a larger retailer, like a Walmart, like a Sam's club, like a target they're going to have a buyer. All of the different categories. So there'll be a buyer for games and puzzles and a different buyer for plush products. There'll be a buyer for boys toys, a buyer for girls dolls.

    [00:16:46] There'll be a buyer for activity and craft sets. They'll even have a buyer for electronics pros. The bigger the store, the more money and product that each category in that store turns and thus, the more buyers that are going to manage that category. And this is the reason why it's so important to know.

    [00:17:07] Number one, if your product is a toy with those pre luminary questions I mentioned earlier on, but number two, what category of play and what category at retail, your toy product will actually fall under. Now, aside from the fact that you now know different buyers manage different categories of product, you also need to know that some categories in the toy retail space are more competitive than others.

    [00:17:39] And some toys have characteristics that allow them to flow between one category and another. So, what that allows these toys to do is if, say I have an electronic doll product and I want to get my electronic doll product into the doll category at Walmart.

    [00:18:02] And I go and I meet with a doll buyer and I say, oh my God, I have this amazing doll. And she's electronic. And she so cheap and she's fantastic for your customer, but in Walmart a doll buyer says, oh, you know what? I would love to take in your line. I do think she's amazing, but I already have all of my slots filled for adults for next season.

    [00:18:24] And I can't take anyone out. I'm so sorry. I have no idea. You could then potentially turn to the electronics buyer because your product can fall between doll and electronics. So there are two potential areas of the store and thus to potential buyers that you could pitch to. Now, every store divides up their buyers and the categories that the buyers manage very differently.

    [00:18:48] Buyers also fluctuate positions every two to three years. So buyers are often going to change. But it is important to know that it's not just, you know, the larger stores that you're going to pitch your product to. You're not just going to one person to pitch any kind of product you need to get to know the buyer that manages the specific category of product that, your toy will fit into in their store.

    [00:19:13] So let's look at one more example, let's say you designed a plush and this plus, you know, could sit in the plush section at a major retailer that you're looking at, but you go over and you meet with this buyer who manages all of the plush and they say, Aw, Your plush is just too expensive. Most of my plush retail for 4 99.

    [00:19:35] And your plush is 1299. Well, if you add in a feature or if your plush already has a feature that allows from, for some sort of like craft and activity style play, which means that it would have something that the child could customize or create on top of your plush doll. Like let's say the child could draw on top of the plush doll or they could add.

    [00:20:00] To it and give it its own custom look then your plush doll could actually convert into the craft and activity play category simply because of the play pattern of the product. So just the material alone and the design alone of the product would have pushed it into the plush category, but adding in a different play pattern. This coloring in element can actually help push you to the activity section and give you an opportunity to move between categories, 

    [00:20:31] meet with different buyers, find opportunity, but also Categories all have varying price points. So let's say your item just was too expensive for the standard price point within the plush category at a certain retailer, but it might be perfect for a plush craft activity category in the activity section of the same retail.

    [00:20:54] So as we're wondering if our product is a toy, I just want to make sure that you are paying attention to all of the categories in which toy products live at major retailers. If you've listened to episode one of this podcast, then you know, I've taken you through a full on-trend research trip and, and talk to you through the process of how to conduct one of those.

    [00:21:19] So if you go through that process again, I want you to really keep your eyes open and see where you find play and toys in aisles that are outside of the toy aisle. You'll be surprised at what you'll find in the electronics section. What you'll find in the stationary section, which we'll find in the gift card section, because as space in the traditional toy aisle has run out, they're simply only, you know, standard what, eight to 16 feet of toy aisle space.

    [00:21:50] Toy manufacturers have started campaigning for space in other parts of the store and retailers seeing the benefit of having toy products at the cash register in the 99 cent bin or the C spot saves space. When you first walk in to retailers like target, or when you go to dollar tree and you see like 99 cent bins at the front of the store, Toy products are shifting into all areas of retail space.

    [00:22:18] So while your idea may not be a true toy, it still might be a product that you want to push through market sell all of that within the toy industry.

    [00:22:28] Okay, so let's move on to the third and final point that you want to consider to determine if your product is a toy. And that third and the final point is toy safety testing. Now this may not be the most fun way to determine if your product is a toy, but it's certainly a reliable and I mean, lawful one, if you're selling product in the U S you'll be following the guidelines set forth by the CPSC.

    [00:22:58] And if your product is determined, a toy you'll need to pass certain toy safety tests. Now I'm not going to dive into a whole toy safety conversation right now. What we're going to talk about instead is what is a children's product versus. A general use product in the eyes of the CPSC. Now, if those acronyms are throwing you off and you want a toy safety lesson I will encourage you to head over to thetoycoach.com/43 and listen to my toy safety 1 0 1 episode with Bill Baxter there, you will find a great starting point into toys safety.

    [00:23:37] Now, just to give you a quick understanding C P S C stands for consumer product safety commission. All right. So let's go back to our, our whole question of this episode. Defining what is a toy now, according to the C P S C, the real question we have to ask ourselves in regards to children's safety laws is what is it? Children's product because children's products follow a set of certain federal safety rules here in the U S.

    [00:24:07] Now, every region has their own safety standards and their own acronym to define the body that manages those standards. But here in the U S this law defines a children's safety product as a consumer product that it designed or intended to be used primarily for children 12 years and younger. Who decides what is intended to be used primarily by children, 12 years and under well, that determination relies on several factors. Number one, it relies on a statement from the manufacturer about intended use of the product. Number two, it relies on the packaging of the product. Like what is illustrated on the packaging and who it looks like it is illustrated for.

    [00:24:55] Number three, it relies on how the product is interpreted by consumers. So again, that can come from packaging, like how is it being marketed toward them? And number four, it relies on age determination guidelines. 

    [00:25:11] Now, if your product, now, if it's determined that based on those. Points. If your product is not considered a children's toy, it is going to be called a general use product. Now, general use products are consumer products that aren't designed or intended primarily for. By children, ages 12 years or younger.

    [00:25:37] Now your product can possibly be used by children's age, 12 years and under, but it is not designed for them. And there is a really clear and fabulous example on the CPSC website, which I will link to in the show notes, go to thetoycoach.com/87 to grab that link. 

    [00:25:56] So if at this point you're still wondering is my product a toy. I want you to pay attention to the guidelines, set a set up by the CPSC is your product intended to be used by children, ages 12 and under now I know for those of you that are developing adult party games or other tools or things like that you might think, oh no. So my product, isn't a toy. Now, if your product is in the adult toy category, I don't want you running away. Just get we'll summarize and talk about how your product fits into the toy industry. 

    [00:26:33] But if your product is for a younger age range, 12 years and under yet, you're still wondering, you're still unsure if this product falls within the toy space, just the idea of if your product is designed to have a child interact with, it your product will have to meet certain toy safety standards.

    [00:26:53] So I just wanted to summarize these three ways to think about your product from asking yourself the right questions, to thinking about how the toy industry buyers will see your product to thinking about how the consumer product safety commission will see your product, because thinking of your product in these three different ways.

    [00:27:12] We'll help you kind of step away from your product as the creator of it and see how the rest of the world will see and receive your product. Because I know when we hear the word toy sometimes we have this preconceived notion of what that really means. But if we want to create a product that is going to be in the lives of children, It's still might be a toy, even if it doesn't fit that preconceived notion of what we thought a toy was, it still might be fitting to be a part of the toy industry and the community that is in the toy industry.

    [00:27:46] And that is a community of people that are around, of course, like me, the toy coach to a creator's academy, but also different toy industry organizations that support and promote the growth and development of toy brands.

    [00:28:01] Now, I'd like to take a quick break and give a shout out to Cindy0616. Cindy0616 left a great review. That is not only a comment to me, but also to a guest we had on the show. So I'd love to share it with you. Now. Cindy's review is episode 74 was what I needed.

    [00:28:21] Cindy says, it's funny how the lawyer on the show took the path that I'm currently on. I've had this forever dream to write a children's book on my real life heroine, but I felt the book needed a doll and accessories to go along with it, as well as an activity kits and projects, just like the lawyer. I found myself miserable in my job where all my waking moments and dreams were consumed with my book and toy idea. I loved how Azhelle asked all the important questions that I wanted answered. Thank you so much, Azhelle, for following your dreams so that we may follow ours. Cindy, I love that review. I know that my podcasts guests, that wa that you're speaking of will also love that she helped inspire you to go after your dreams. Thank you so much for being a listener and I thoroughly appreciate your review. Okay. Toy people. Let's summarize what we learned today. 

    [00:29:14] First, we learned three different ways to figure out if our idea is considered a toy. So, number one, we started out with a series of simple questions. Let's review those really quick. Now, question number one, where would your product live if it were in the home? Question number two, when would someone interact with your product? Question number three, how would someone feel after interacting with your product? Question number four, what store do you think you might buy our product in? And then follow that question up with are there similar products like yours sold in that store? And question number five, when someone interacts with your product, do they smile? Are they filled with joy? Do they want to keep playing with it again and again? Or do you hear them say something like, ah, I almost had it. Let me try that one more time.

    [00:30:04] After asking yourself that series of questions, we learned to look through the view of a buyer in the toy industry. We learned that the number of buyers at a retailer depends on the size of the retailer. And we also learned that there are different buyers for different categories at a store.

    [00:30:22] And if your product has the ability to sit in multiple categories, you will have more opportunities for placement.

    [00:30:29] And the final way we learned to figure out if your idea is a toy idea, is we learned how to look at it from the perspective of toy safety, how the rules of the CPSC might help you identify whether your product is a toy or not. 

    [00:30:45] But what do you do if you do all these exercises and you say, oh, Azhelle. I, I think my idea really isn't a toy. Well, I do need to stop and mention here that even if your idea, isn't a toy full air quotes as defined by toy safety standards or the buyer standard. Or just those questions we asked ourselves, it doesn't mean that your product doesn't have a home in the toy industry.

    [00:31:10] Just this year, the toy associations, toady awards added a brand new category. After 21 years of toy industry awards, there's a brand new category, do you know what it is?. It's the adult toy of the year category. So you might have an idea that doesn't fit into a category that's on the market right now. Your idea might not even have a category in which it could win an award in just yet, but that doesn't mean it isn't made for the toy industry.

    [00:31:42] The toy industry has seen some immense growth in the pandemic due to the growth, both of the adult toy and the family game market and the outdoor toy market, I should say, these are all markets, which pre pandemic we're teetering on the like, is this a toy? Isn't this a toy? these weren't categories that toy companies wanted to get into, but now they all do.

    [00:32:06] These are now markets, which are being welcomed into the fold of the toy industry with open arms. So instead of asking yourself, or instead of asking me, is my idea, a toy, Azhelle? The better question is to ask, Azhelle can my idea be marketed, pitched, sold, and promoted within the toy industry.

    [00:32:30] If that answer is yes, then you are in the right place my friend, and I would like to invite you to come join me at my launch party for toy creators academy. Because growing your toy network is the first step in growing your toy business.

    [00:32:46] And that is exactly what the toy creators academy launch party is going to help you do. It's a free event and it's going to be a lot of fun. There's a chance to win prizes, including a one-on-one consult with me. So head over to toycreatorsacademy.com to sign up. And I would love to see you at the launch party my friend.

    [00:33:06] Now I do have some homework for you to do for next week. Are you ready? Action item for it next week. I want you to go through the exercises mentioned in this episode, if you haven't done it already, and I want you to figure out if your item is a toy, if your item is not a toy, or if you're going through these exercises and you realize maybe it isn't a toy, I want you to figure. If your item could benefit from being marketed, sold, or a part of the toy industry.

    [00:33:35] And I would love it. Love it, love it. If you would send me a message on Instagram and tell me Azhelle. I believe my idea is a toy because, or Azhelle I believe my idea would benefit from being in the toy industry because, and I want you to tell me why. I will help point you in the right direction of next steps you should take, but you've got to take that first step and make a plan for your toy idea.

    [00:34:01] You've got to think about where your toy idea is going to fit and why you can find me on Instagram at the toy coach I would love for you to connect with me and tell me if you believe your idea is a toy idea, or if you believe it could benefit from the toy industry and why. As always thank you so much for spending this time with me today. I know your time is valuable and that there are a ton of podcasts out there. So it really means the world to me that you tune into this one. Until next week, I'll see you later toy people.

  • 🎓Learn more about how you can develop and pitch your toy idea with Toy Creators Academy® by clicking here to visit toycreatorsacademy.com and join the waitlist.




Episode #88: Virtual Pitch Event Stories from Students of Toy Creators Academy


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