A Safe Kids Social Media Platform That Is Created For Parents by Parents

Kids' are wanting access to social media at a younger and younger age. But given the addictive nature of likes and comments, the potential danger of unmonitored DM’s, the negativity of troll users, most parents are rightfully hesitant to give their young kids access to social media at all. But kids are watching their siblings, parents, and caregivers interacting in an online world that they want to be a part of. Is it time to introduce a kid safe social media platform? A space they can call their own? In an interview on “Making It In The Toy Industry” The president of Zigazoo, Ashley Mady, talks about how a groundbreaking social network designed specifically for kids is changing the landscape of how young users interact online.

The parents behind Zigazoo

Zigazoo emerged during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, born out of a pressing need for a safe, engaging online space for children. Founded by two forward-thinking educators and parents, Zach and Leah Ringelstein, the platform was created with the vision of providing a place where kids could connect, collaborate, and have a safe social media experience.

Unlike mainstream social media platforms that weren't originally designed with young users in mind, Zigazoo puts the safety, education, and well-being of children at the forefront of its design. This innovative approach has quickly transformed Zigazoo into the world's largest social network for kids, boasting over 8 million users and growing rapidly.

A Safe Haven For Kids’ Online

Safety is crucial when it comes to Zigazoo. The platform has implemented multiple layers of protection to ensure a secure environment for its young users. Here's a closer look at some of the key safety features:

1. Strict Parental Consent Process:

Before a child can create content on Zigazoo, they must go through a thorough parental consent process. This involves making a video together with a parent, where both parties confirm the child's permission to use the app. This process not only ensures parental awareness but also encourages family engagement with the platform.

2. Human Moderation:

Many platforms rely heavily on algorithms, Zigazoo takes a more personal approach. Every single piece of content that goes up on Zigazoo is reviewed by human moderators. This allows for catching obvious violations and subtle issues that might slip past automated systems.

3. Ethical Algorithms:

Zigazoo also employs algorithms designed with ethics in mind. These algorithms work with  the human moderators to create a safe, positive environment.

4. No Traditional Commenting System:

To prevent bullying and negative interactions, Zigazoo has taken out the traditional commenting system found on most social platforms. Instead, users interact through video responses and virtual gifts, promoting more thoughtful and kind interactions.

5. Focus on Positive Interactions:

The platform encourages positivity through its system of virtual gifts. Users can send each other playful, uplifting digital tokens like a "goat" for "Greatest Of All Time," fostering a culture of support and encouragement.

6. Protection of Personal Information:

Zigazoo is cautious about protecting users' personal identifiable information (PII). Kids can't share their real names, birthdays, or locations. Even wearing a school uniform in videos is not allowed, adding an extra layer of privacy protection.

These comprehensive safety measures create an environment where parents can feel comfortable allowing their children to explore social media. It's a place where parents can confidently let their kids engage without worrying about them encountering inappropriate content.

Positive & Playful Content Creation

What truly sets Zigazoo apart is its unique approach to content creation and interaction. The platform is built around the concept of challenges, all rooted in project-based learning. This educational foundation comes from the founders' background in education and their commitment to making social media a tool for growth and development.

Here's how it works:

1. Challenges:

Content on Zigazoo revolves around challenges posted by creators, celebrities, or partner brands. These challenges can range from creative prompts to educational questions, encouraging kids to think, create, and share.

2. Video Responses:

Instead of text-based comments, users respond to challenges with their own video content. This format encourages creativity, builds confidence, and develops communication skills.

3. Creator Community:

Zigazoo has cultivated a network of over 700 kid creators, described as "Gen Alpha superstars." These young influencers, ranging from Nickelodeon stars to Guinness World Record holders, create engaging content and serve as positive role models for the Zigazoo community.

4. Brand Partnerships:

Collaborations with major brands like Penguin Publishing, Dreamworks, and the NBA bring exciting, curated content to the platform. These partnerships not only provide engaging material for users but also allow brands to connect directly with their young audience in a safe, controlled environment.

5. Spotlighting Responses:

Zigazoo has the ability to highlight exceptional user responses to challenges, giving kids the opportunity to gain recognition for their creativity and efforts.

This approach to content creation and interaction serves multiple purposes. It keeps kids engaged and entertained while simultaneously fostering learning and skill development.

Fostering Digital Citizenship

One of Zigazoo's most valuable contributions to its young users' development is its role in teaching digital citizenship. In today's world, understanding how to navigate online spaces responsibly is an essential skill. Zigazoo provides an environment where kids can learn these crucial lessons.

The platform focuses on giving kids the ability to make their own choices within a safe structure. They get to decide which challenges they want to participate in, developing decision-making skills and learning about online interactions in a protected space.

Zigazoo actively educates its users about online safety. Through creator content, challenges, and direct communication with parents, the platform continually highlights important lessons about protecting personal information, being kind online, and using social media responsibly.

This education extends to parents as well. Zigazoo regularly communicates with parents through email, providing tips on how to discuss complex topics related to social media and online behavior with their children. The platform has also partnered with organizations like Parent Tested Parent Approved to further its educational outreach to families.

The goal is to create an environment where kids can't get into trouble while learning best practices for online behavior. This preparation is invaluable for when they eventually transition to other social networks, equipping them with the skills to navigate and make good decisions in other digital spaces.

Keeping Parents in the Conversation

While Zigazoo is designed for kids, it recognizes the crucial role parents play in their children's digital experiences. The platform has implemented several features to keep parents involved and informed:

1. Parent Communication:

The email used during account setup belongs to the parent, ensuring a direct line of communication between Zigazoo and the child's guardian.

2. Content Visibility:

Parents have the ability to view their child's activity on the app, allowing for oversight without intruding on the child's sense of independence.

3. Educational Resources:

Zigazoo provides parents with resources and tips on navigating the digital world with their children, particularly during initiatives like Social Media Wellness Month.

4. Exciting Opportunities:

Parents are kept informed about special challenges or opportunities on the platform, such as chances to win prizes or interact with celebrities.

This approach allows parents to be involved in their child's social media journey without hovering, allowing for a balance between supervision and allowing kids to explore independently.

Social Media Wellness

Recognizing the importance of promoting healthy social media habits, Zigazoo has instituted a Social Media Wellness Month. This initiative, held in May, is dedicated to educating kids and their families about online behaviors and what healthy social media usage can look like.

During this month, creators within the Zigazoo community, along with various experts, provide tips and insights on digital well-being. It's an awareness and education campaign designed to benefit both users and their families, reinforcing Zigazoo's commitment to not just providing a platform, but promoting positive digital citizenship.

Zigazoo Challenges

For kids using Zigazoo, They have the freedom to choose which challenges they want to participate in, creating video responses that showcase their personalities and skills. The absence of a traditional commenting system means that interactions are more thoughtful and positive, with kids supporting each other through virtual gifts and video responses.

The platform's design also encourages kids to be active content creators rather than passive consumers. Whether they're responding to a challenge from a favorite celebrity, participating in a contest, or simply sharing their interests, kids on Zigazoo are constantly engaged in creative and often educational activities.

For parents, Zigazoo offers peace of mind. They can allow their children to explore social media knowing that there are multiple layers of protection in place. The ability to oversee their child's activity without being intrusive helps parents stay involved in their child's digital life while still allowing for independence.

How Zigazoo Plans To Evolve With Its Users

As the digital landscape continues to change rapidly, Zigazoo is positioning itself to evolve alongside its users' needs. The platform is exploring various avenues for growth and development, particularly in educational technology. 

Zigazoo is engaged in conversations with different alliances and partner companies, which could lead to new features, expanded educational content, or innovative ways of engaging young users. One of Zigazoo's strengths is its adaptability. The platform can quickly shape itself to meet the changing interests of kids and respond to developments across the globe.

One of Zigazoo’s major goals is addressing the needs of older users. While Zigazoo is currently designed for children under 13, with users typically aging out around 12-13 years old, there's recognition that there might be a need for platforms catering to the "in-between'' ages as well. As laws change and the digital landscape evolves, Zigazoo will have to adapt and continue serving its user base effectively.

Zigazoo is Setting A New Standard

Although social media is becoming an inescapable part of life, Zigazoo is setting a new standard for how these platforms can cater to young users. By prioritizing safety, education, and positive engagement, Zigazoo is not just creating a social network – it's fostering a community where kids can learn, grow, and express themselves freely.

Zigazoo provides a controlled environment where kids can learn the ropes of social media, develop crucial digital literacy skills, and have fun – all under the watchful eye of both human moderators and concerned parents. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Zigazoo's approach may well serve as a blueprint for future platforms, helping parents and children come together to shape a safer, more creative online world for the next generation.


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