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From Toy Industry Veteran to Entrepreneur: Gerardo de Villa’s Journey

A former marketing executive at Mattel launched his own toy line! Meet, Gerardo de Villa, a TCA alumni who launched Angelitos Magicos after joining the program. In an interview with  “Making It In The Toy Industry” Gerado shares his experience, offering valuable insights for anyone looking to make their mark in the toy industry, regardless of their background.

A Solid Foundation in the Toy Industry

Before venturing into entrepreneurship, Gerardo had built a substantial career in the toy industry. Throughout his 25 years of marketing experience he oversaw operations in the South Cone of Latin America as a marketing executive at Mattel. This position included countries such as, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia, allowing him to have a broad perspective on the regional toy market.

In his corporate role, Gerardo was primarily focused on the commercial aspects of the toy business. His responsibilities included:

- Negotiations with retail customers

- Pricing decisions

- Investment allocation

-Channel and retailer prioritization

-In-store display management

- Import permit acquisition

- Logistics and warehouse management

-Team leadership

This experience provided Gerardo with a strong foundation in the business side of toys. However, as he would soon discover, creating and launching his own toy line would require a different set of skills altogether.

The Birth of a Magical Idea

Gerardo's journey into toy creation began with a personal experience that many parents can relate to – his daughter started having nightmares. This prompted him to reflect on his own childhood experiences with bad dreams and the "magic" solution his mother had provided. 

Gerardo became aware of the growing mental health challenges facing children, including anxiety and stress. This realization and his desire to create something meaningful, led to the conception of Angelitos Magicos (Little Magic Angels).

Angelitos Magicos are plush guardian angel dolls designed to provide comfort and encouragement to children. Each night, these magical angels leave behind cards with positive messages based on principles of positive psychology. The goal is to help children develop a growth mindset, overcome fears, and build resilience.

Although Gerardo began developing the idea before the COVID-19 pandemic, the launch happened during a period when children were facing challenges and uncertainties. The comforting presence of the Angelitos Magicos and their messages help families become closer than ever before during this difficult time.

Image below is from the Angelitos Magicos website

The Decision to Join Toy Creators Academy

Despite his extensive background in the toy industry, Gerardo recognized that he lacked crucial knowledge in certain areas of toy development and marketing. He began to educate himself through various means, including reading extensively and listening to industry podcasts. It was through these efforts that he discovered the Toy Creators Academy and its founder, Azhelle Wade.

The decision to enroll in TCA, even with his wealth of industry experience, came down to several factors:

1. Comprehensive knowledge: 

TCA offered insights into all aspects of toy creation, not just the commercial side Gerardo was familiar with.

2. Structured approach: 

The course provided a systematic method for developing and launching a toy line.

3. Expert guidance: 

Access to industry experts, particularly Azhelle Wade, was invaluable.

4. Confidence building: 

TCA offered the tools and knowledge needed to take Angelitos Magicos to the next level, particularly in breaking into retail markets.

Key Takeaways from the Toy Creators Academy

Gerardo's experience with TCA proved transformative for his business. Some of the most significant benefits included:

1. Packaging Design:

One of the biggest challenges Gerardo faced was creating effective packaging for retail environments. In his corporate role, this task had always been handled by specialized teams. Through TCA, he learned:

   - The importance of shelf presence

   - How to convey value through packaging

   - Considerations for productivity per square meter in retail spaces

   - The differences between e-commerce and retail packaging requirements

2. Website Optimization:

TCA provided insights into improving Gerardo's e-commerce presence. Simple changes through the program led to significant increases in conversion rates on the Angelitos Magicos website.

3. Sales Tools:

The course offered valuable templates and guidance for creating effective sell sheets and retailer presentations. These tools filled crucial gaps in Gerardo's knowledge, helping him to present his product professionally to potential retail partners.

4. Product Development:

While Gerardo had a strong concept, TCA helped refine various aspects of the product, ensuring it was market-ready and appealing to both children and parents.

5. Community Support:

The TCA Facebook group provided a platform for peer learning, motivation, and networking with other toy creators at various stages of their journeys.

Results and Future Plans

The impact of completing the Toy Creators Academy course was significant and immediate for Angelitos Magicos. Here are some of the results:

1. Retail Success:

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Gerardo secured his first retail placement with a bookstore chain, a significant milestone for any toy startup. This success can be directly tied to the skills and knowledge gained through TCA, particularly in areas like packaging design and sales presentations.

2. Expanded Retail Opportunities:

With his new skills and confidence, Gerardo began preparing for meetings with buyers from department stores and toy store chains, opening up new ways for growth.

3. International Expansion:

Perhaps the most valuable outcome of the TCA experience was Gerardo's decision to expand Angelitos Magicos internationally. This includes plans to enter the U.S. market, a goal that seemed out of reach before completing the course.

Challenges and Considerations for Global Expansion

As Gerardo prepares to take Angelitos Magicos beyond the Spanish-speaking market, he faces several challenges:

1. Brand Name Localization:

The name "Angelitos Magicos" works well in Spanish-speaking markets, but Gerardo must decide whether to keep this name for international markets or develop an English name that is similar.

2. Character Name Translations:

Each Angelitos Magicos character is named in Spanish, with names that reflect their unique characteristics  or "superpowers." Translating these names while maintaining their meaning and appeal is a significant challenge.

3. Story Adaptations:

Each doll comes with a booklet explaining its backstory. These stories need to be translated and potentially adapted for different cultures. 

4. Product Certification:

Entering new markets, particularly the U.S., requires meeting different safety standards and regulations. Gerardo is in the process of certifying his toys to meet these requirements.

5. Logistics and Shipping:

While there's interest from various countries, high shipping rates present a barrier to international sales. Finding cost-effective shipping solutions is a priority for future expansion.

Gerardo’s Advice for Aspiring Toy Creators

Based on his experiences, Gerardo offers several pieces of advice for those looking to enter the toy industry:

1. Think Globally from the Start:

Consider international markets when developing your concept, brand name, and marketing strategy. With this idea in mind, you can save time and resources in the long run.

2. Trust the Process:

Follow established programs like TCA. These courses are designed by industry experts and provide a proven path to success.

3. Engage with the Community:

By actively participating in toy creator communities, you will be provided with valuable support, feedback, and networking opportunities.

4. Maintain Motivation:

The toy development process can be lengthy, with periods of waiting (for samples, shipments, etc.). Stay focused and use these periods productively to work on other aspects of your business.

5. Embrace Continuous Learning:

Even with extensive industry experience, there's always more to learn. Stay open to new ideas and approaches.

6. Be Prepared to Adapt:

As you expand to new markets, be ready to make changes to your product or brand to better suit local preferences and regulations.

The Value of Paid Toy Industry Education 

For those without industry experience, programs like TCA can provide the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to turn a toy idea into a market-ready product. For industry veterans, these courses offer fresh perspectives, updated information on current trends and technologies, and specific skills that may fall outside their area of expertise.

The toy industry is unique in its blend of creativity, business acumen, and understanding of child development. Successful toy creators need to master a wide range of skills, from concept development and design to manufacturing, marketing, and sales. Educational programs that address all these aspects can significantly shorten the learning curve and increase the chances of success.

Gerardo de Villa's journey from corporate executive to independent toy creator with Angelitos Magicos is a testament to the power of continuous learning and adaptation in the toy industry. His story demonstrates that success in this field requires more than just a good idea or industry experience – it demands a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of toy development and marketing.