
Toy Creators Academy® with The Toy Coach® is excited to offer a Scholarship Program starting September 2021. This Scholarship program is need based and offers the opportunity for an aspiring toy creator to be rewarded admittance into Toy Creators Academy with all expenses paid by a Sponsor. In September 14, 2021 The Toy Coach® Azhelle Wade announced Learning Express Toys Lake Zurich as the first sponsor of the scholarship, offering to host ten aspiring toy creators in the Toy Creators Academy.


Eligible applicants must be over 18 years old, show need for the scholarship, and not be full-time employees of a toy manufacturing company. Applicants must agree to conditions in the program consent form.

You are eligible for this Scholarship if either (a) you are not a full-time employee of a toy manufacturer (b) if you are ages 18 and over, (c) you are not a current or former student of Toy Creators Academy and (d) you are currently financially unable to afford Toy Creators Academy.

Individuals who are related to or affiliated with The Toy Coach or Sponsor (including any of their respective employees, officers or directors, their parents, affiliates and subsidiaries, or any of their respective agencies or promotion entities, or family/household members of any of the foregoing) (the “Entities”) are not eligible to participate in the Scholarship. Void where prohibited and subject to all applicable federal, state, local, and municipal laws and regulations.

Applicants must apply by Friday, September 14th, 2021 at 11:59 pm EST. To learn more about the opportunity, click here.


To participate, applicants must complete the full Scholarship application at (“Website”) and provide the award selection committee with all of the information required in the application or by the committee including, employment status, written statement, and personal information verification.

Applicants are not required to purchase any product. By submitting a Scholarship application, applicants opt-in and consent to receive emails and/or text messages relating to the Scholarship and with more information about upcoming Scholarships, The Toy Coach Newsletter and updates.


The application process will be open and accepting applicants beginning 1:00 pm September 13, 2021 and ending 11:59 PM September 17, 2021. For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, all times and days are Eastern Time. The Toy Coach’s computer is the official time keeping device for this Program, and the awarding of the Scholarship is subject to the eligibility and forfeiture provisions set forth herein. The dates and times set forth herein are subject to change in the sole discretion of The Toy Coach. In the event of any change, notice of the revised date or time will be posted on the Website.


A selection committee composed of individuals selected by The Toy Coach will determine who the Scholarships will be awarded to. By September 18th at 5 PM the submissions have been reviewed and The Toy Coach will select up to ten (10) participants who will receive the Scholarship.

The selection process will be based on an evaluation of the participants’ submission responses, need, and other criteria that the committee determines following the end date of the initial Scholarship application. Applicants will be required to complete an application, which will include, among other things, personal identifiers such as employer, race, residency, and need. Next, the selection committee will select which applicants to receive the Scholarship, and perform verification checks to confirm the information submitted is valid. The last stage of the selection process may include a telephone, or video interview, at the discretion of the selection committee. The Toy Coach will notify the final applicants of their selection by email and Scholarship recipients by email.

The committee’s selection will be based on an evaluation of the participants’ application, need and other criteria that the committee determines following the end date of the initial Scholarship application.

Applicants will not advance to any round of selection if the applicant is disqualified as a result of the applicant submitting an incomplete or untrue application, not meeting enrollment criteria, not complying with these Terms and Conditions, or not satisfying any other conditions established by the selection committee or the The Toy Coach.


The Participants selected to receive a Scholarship (“Recipients”) will be notified by The Toy Coach on or about September 19, 2021.

Recipients must redeem the Scholarship according to the instructions The Toy Coach provides via email once the Scholarship is awarded. Scholarships that are not redeemed within forty-eight (48) hours will be considered abandoned by the Recipient. In the event a Scholarship is deemed abandoned by a Recipient, it will be awarded to another Recipient of The Toy Coach’s choosing.


The Toy Coach will post the grant application opening and deadline on the Website, and applications will be due at the time indicated above and in such a post. Applicant responses to supplemental questions from the selection committee will be due when requested by the committee. Application submissions and supplemental question responses must be true and complete. All determinations of participant eligibility, participant application or supplemental question completions, application period requirements and other matters related to the application will be made by The Toy Coach in its sole discretion. The Toy Coach may terminate applicant participation in the Scholarship for any reason. The Toy Coach may terminate the Scholarship at any time, or not award any Scholarship Awards, in its discretion. Scholarship terms are subject to administration by The Toy Coach. Scholarship Awards are made only to the selected recipients and are non-assignable and non-transferable. Each individual participant may submit only one application.


By submitting an application, applicants agree to and authorize the selection committee to conduct such diligence as it may reasonably determine to verify information provided in or related to the student’s application or supplemental questions.

The Toy Coach will not share applicant responses and information, including, without limitation, email addresses and other personal information, with its advertising partners and, subject to applicable laws, for marketing or promotional purposes without the direct consent of the applicant. The Toy Coach and all of the other Entities listed above will not be liable, and applicants release and waive all liability, in connection with any disclosure or security breach relating to such information, unless caused by The Toy Coach gross negligence, in which case The Toy Coach shall be solely liable.

Images Release

By submission of an application, and as a condition to a participant’s receipt of a Scholarship Award, the participant agrees, and intends to be legally bound, as follows:

The participant acknowledges that the participant may or will be depicted, alone and/or with others, in certain videos and/or still photographs in connection with the Scholarship, including, without limitation, the fulfillment of the Scholarship grant, and the participant may or will have, the participant’s voice recorded in connection with such videos (collectively, the “Images”).

The participant acknowledges and agrees that The Toy Coach owns the copyright in and to the Images, which The Toy Coach may reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, adapt, publicly perform, publicly display and otherwise use worldwide, in any form or format now known or yet to be developed (including, without limitation, on television, web sites and social media) and for any purpose (including, without limitation, publicity, promotion and advertising).

The Toy Coach may modify, reproduce in any media, and use the Images, in whole or in part, without restriction, for any purpose whatsoever, and forever, without any prior approval by the participant. The participant understands that The Toy Coach will not provide the participant with the opportunity to approve any Images prior to their use.

The participant consents to the reproduction, distribution, transmission, broadcast, adaptation, public performance, public display and/or other use of the Images and of the participant’s name, voice, and likeness, by The Toy Coach and its affiliates, agents, assigns and licensees worldwide.

The participant hereby irrevocably releases The Toy Coach and its affiliates, employees, members, officers, agents, licensees, successors and assigns, from and against any liability whatsoever in connection with or related to the reproduction, distribution, transmission, broadcast, publication, public display, public performance, adaptation, modification, or any other use of the Images, including, without limitation, claims under copyright law or any other federal or state law, including laws relating to the right to privacy or the right of publicity.