Sustainability Guest User Sustainability Guest User

Sustainable Toys: What Every Parent Needs To Know About Choosing An Eco-Friendly Toy

In recent years, sustainability has become more apparent across industries, with consumers increasingly demanding eco-friendly products and practices. However, the toy industry has been slower to adapt compared to other industries. This slow movement is partially due to consumer sensitivity to the price points of toys and games, and partially due to safety concerns and restrictions of production materials that can be used in toys. In an interview on the "Making It In The Toy Industry Podcast", Helen Townsend, the co-founder of Sustained Fun whose company creates climate-focused toys, shares valuable insights on what makes a toy sustainable, how companies can reduce their carbon footprint, and the future of eco-friendly play.

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Sustainability Azhelle Wade Sustainability Azhelle Wade

6 Ways to Create More Sustainable Toys

We only have one earth, and we need to take care of it. You may feel that there is little you can do, as someone in the toy industry, but there are actually many ways we can help the cause by making sure our toys are more sustainable than those that came before. Here are some ways you can make more eco-friendly toys.

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