
Should You Start A Doll Line? How This Photographer Started A Doll Business With Zero Experience In The Toy Industry

Joeydolls celebrates Asian heritage and culture by producing a high quality, and authentically representative toy line. Now available in 19 stores across the world, you may be surprised to know that this small toy business began during the COVID-19 Pandemic, and was funded by 1 powerhouse mom, Samantha Ong. The brand has won three awards for its effort towards creating more inclusivity and diversity during a period of Asian-hate, has just paired up with five new retailers to make its diverse, award-winning dolls more readily available to the public.

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Manufacturing, factory The Toy Coach Team Manufacturing, factory The Toy Coach Team

Everything You Want To Know About World of Toy Manufacturing

The toy manufacturing industry is filled with creativity and innovation. In 2024 the amount of adults purchasing toys exceeded that of preschool toy sales! The toy industry is responsible for creating memories for millions of kids and adults from across the globe.

You may be surprised to know that the creation of each toy involves the skills of toy designers, brand managers, marketers, and factory worked from across the globe with an exceptional attention to detail. Safety standards play a crucial role in the process of toy manufacturing, with rigorous testing protocols ensuring that every product meets or exceeds international regulations.

Modern toy manufacturing factories feature state-of-the-art machinery operates alongside skilled artisans, each playing a vital role in transforming raw materials into cherished playthings.

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Manufacturing, Toy Entrepreneur Azhelle Wade Manufacturing, Toy Entrepreneur Azhelle Wade

Tips For Navigating Consumer Safety Regulations For Children’s Product And Toys

You’ve got this great idea for a product but now you realize you’re drowning in the prospect of toy safety testing. The whole process seems overwhelming and a bit scary. But here’s a guide to get you started on the process. Don’t let the safety rules intimidate you.
Why are there so many regulations? Well, in 2008, there was a big safety scandal that led to the creation of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act(CPSIA). The toy industry had to quickly adapt to the new regulations.

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