Toy Fair's Big Apple Breakup: It's All About That Southern Charm Now


It hasn’t gone unnoticed that The Toy Association has been carefully re-branding “New York Toy Fair” to “Toy Fair: New York” in hashtags, blog posts, and press releases. A subtle shift that perked my own feelers up in wonderment that maybe...just maybe they weren’t planning to stick around New York for much longer.

Well, the day has arrived.

After a 3 year hiatus, New York Toy Fair—excuse me— Toy Fair returned to the Javits Center in New York City with a few good and bad surprises in tow. Long time attendees were happily surprised to find a more organized show floor, some were offended by the increased cost and invasive scrutiny for pass approval, and others enjoyed the surprise of an unexpected star studded trade show. At the time of writing this article, I’ve spent just two days on the show floor and the efforts put into this year’s show have not gone unnoticed by the industry. Most people love it. Or, they’re loving to hate it.

But just as the toy industry pro’s started getting cozy in our feelings about the return to the Javits (albiet at an odd time of the year)…The Toy Association dropped the mac daddy of all surprises.

A Shift in Timing and Location

First of all I need to make it utterly clear that according to the latest announcement, there will be NO Toy Fair happening in 2024. A fun fact that was glazed over with the shocking announcement of the next Toy Fair location and dates.

Good News? If you’re planning to launch a new product, and you’re based on the east coast, you’ve still got time to save up and go BIG for the final New York Toy Fair happening in NYC. When’s that going to happen? March 1 to March 4th in 2025 and YES. It’s going to be cold. But not as bad as February in NYC. “You’re welcome.” -said a spokesperson from the Toy Association…just kidding they didn’t say that. That was all me. You can expect temps in the low 30’s to mid 40’s in March. Usually it doesn’t snow. Usually.


But that's not all. Following the 2025 event in New York, Toy Fair will be making a big move to January in 2026. A move that will take the show over 1,300 miles away…to New Orleans. That’s all happening January 17 to January 20, 2026…AND BEYOND. Yep. We are staying in New Orleans toy people! The Toy Association announced confirmed dates for 2027 and 2028 as well.

How We Feel About This “Thoughtful” Choice

I’m not going to lie. I don’t like it. I’m a New Yorker and I loved having a show in my backyard. However, everyone knows that a majority of the toy industry resides in LA, so we all actually expected Toy Fair to move to LA. This New Orleans move…feels random to myself and many others. But I suspect that after writing this article, I’ll start hearing some murmurs behind the reasoning.

Now The Toy Association came out to state that these changes were made thoughtfully, with a careful and comprehensive evaluation of marketplace shifts and the diverse needs of all those who make Toy Fair the incredible event it is. Prior to the pandemic, there were calls for a shift in timing (to take Toy Fair from February to September) due to changing manufacturing lead times and retailer buying patterns. Ironically, that timing shift was requested by major toy companies who focus on selling to mass retail buyers, and then most of them backed out of the 2023 September Toy Fair. The shift back to a Q1 show time frame will work better for mass and specialty retail buyers, and will avoid clashing with other shows that are already scheduled in coming years

What We Want In New Orleans

The Toy Association shared that the choice of New Orleans factored in a range of evaluation factors, including timing, high-quality space availability, transportation access, and affordability for exhibitors and attendees. As an educator in the toy space who works with a ton of startup brands, I can tell you what they actually want. Lower prices!! Lower prices for booths, passes, hotels, and food. The increasing prices of Toy Fair New York have been a hinderance to many startup companies.

When COVID led to a cancellation of Toy Fair in 2021, many companies were refused a refund. Instead, they were told they could apply that credit to future shows. Yet still, instead of attending the September 2023 show, many manufacturers opted out entirely.


Because even with the booth already paid…small manufacturers struggled to find the fees to cover shipping samples, hotel, food, required union labor on the show floor, electricity, and everything else that goes into a trade show was too expensive to justify.

So if The Toy Association gives us anything with New Orleans, let it be LOWER PRICES.

If prices go down for everyone, that will be a major win for the industry as a whole. And honestly, with the press surrounding the Toy Associations finances lately…they need that win.

WHAT WE’re Looking Forward To

Steve Pasierb, President & CEO of The Toy Association, highlighted New Orleans' state-of-the-art facilities, brand-new airport, renowned restaurants, museums, music, and event spaces. And quite honestly? That’s what I’m going to be looking forward to as well!

Could this move to New Orleans beneift future Toy Fairs because of the collaborative partnership between the Convention Center, New Orleans & Company, and the Toy Association?

OR, could it distract from the events surrounding Toy Fair because there will simply be so much in close proximity to do?

Well, I’m sure looking forward to finding out.

Let me know what you think about this move to New Orleans in the comments.


Big Apple Revival: Toy Fair Returns to New York, Reversing Course from New Orleans Plan


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