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Branding, Market Trends, Economic Azhelle Wade Branding, Market Trends, Economic Azhelle Wade

#256: Why We’re Not Surprised About The DEI Rollbacks

When The Toy Coach was picking up steam, many people told me a focus on DEI and being black would be to the benefit of my business, but… my instincts said otherwise. And now? I was right.

This episode explores my personal feelings about the DEI initiative rollbacks that started with the US federal government and spilled out into a few corporations, how we feel, what we think, and what we’ll do now. 

Be sure to check the show notes for links to black-owned businesses you may be interested in buying from.

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#232: The Underconsumption Core TikTok Trend is Shaping the Future of Toys

What is the "Underconsumption Core" TikTok trend and how might it effect the toy industry? From "Loud Budgeting" to "Underconsumption Core" Gen Z and Millennials are leading an era of saving over spending, and they aren't keeping quiet about it. As the cost of living skyrockets while wages remain stagnant, the U.S. is bracing for a financial downturn. But this time, consumers are anticipating, preparing, and talking about how they're cutting back, all over social media. If you haven't yet explored the implications of this trend on the toy industry, now is the time.

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