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Gender Neutral Toy Sections Are Now Law In California
Explore the impact of California's gender-neutral toy law with The Toy Coach. Learn about the key changes in Assembly Bill 1084 and the strategies for toy creators in this shifting landscape. Join The Toy Coach as she revisits a pivotal episode from October 2021, discussing the implications of Assembly Bill 1084. Discover the key changes in the bill and explore insights into consumer sentiments and strategies for toy creators navigating this new landscape.
Episode #104: The Easiest Way To Protect Your Toy Idea That Most People Overlook with Dan Harris
Want to know how to protect your products and intellectual property when dealing with Chinese manufacturers? Dan Harris, a lawyer who specializes in International law, with a focus on China, gives you extremely detailed insider tips in today’s episode. I learned a lot and I know you will too. Dan tells you why you should go with an NNN agreement versus a typical NDA when dealing with Chinese firms, among other useful tips. This is a truly informative episode with extremely valuable information so make sure you take notes if you’re planning on working with overseas factories.
Episode #51: Set Up Your Toy Business For Tax Success with Margie Montes
Are you thinking about starting your business in the toy industry but stumped about how to set it up the right way when it comes to taxes? Navigating tax protocols as a new business owner can be confusing and intimidating, but today’s special guest and tax guru Margie Montes will shed valuable light on what you need to know to set yourself up for tax success.
Episode #47: Legally Protecting Your Toy Ideas with Stephanie Pottick, Esq
How to protect not only your toy ideas but also your toy business? In today's episode the 3 most valuable contracts you need to have in your arsenal as a toy business owner, as well as what you need to look out for when you’re signing any work agreement as an employee.