Making It In The Toy Industry is your secret weapon for showing up like a pro in the toy and game industry.
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Episode #170: A Review of the Future Forecast Report From The Insights Family
Data is a precious thing. Data allows companies to make growth projections, develop products based on consumer needs, and write messages based on consumer desires. But where do you go to find precious data? Well, in the toy industry, there are several research and analytics companies that will gather that data all year long, offering trend reports and future cast predictions much like the one we’ll be reviewing in today’s podcast episode. In today’s podcast episode I will review a 2023 future forecast provided by The Insights Family. This report has 12 recommendations for the year based on the agency’s research.
Episode #169: The Art & Science of Successful Toy Biz Email Campaigns
During today’s podcast episode, you’ll learn about how you can use Connection Campaigns, Promotional Campaigns, Abandoned Cart Campaigns, and ReEngagement Campaigns to sell your toy or game product. The key to using email is great subject lines and even better storytelling. If you don’t enjoy writing emails to your customer list…your customer probably doesn’t enjoy reading them! Let’s fix that in 40 minutes with my latest audio masterclass, The Art & Science of Successful Toy Biz Email Campaigns.
Episode #168: See How the Bubbles Are Made: South Beach Bubbles Warehouse and Office Tour
Today’s podcast episode is something completely new and different. It’s the first time we’ve done an interview at the manufacturer's office and warehouse to see how the toys are really being made! You will get to see how bubble magic is made at South Beach Bubbles and Toys. Plus, you’ll get to hear some amazing advice and tips from the company’s “bubble dads,” the two friends who founded the business.
In today’s episode, Ron Weizman and Shooki Grasiani, the founders of South Beach Bubbles, give you an insider tour of their new office and warehouse space. They just moved into a space that is double the size of their old one and are still decorating, so don’t judge the lack of art on the walls. However, they have all their manufacturing and business operations up and running in their new space and you get to see it! You will see how the bubbles are mixed and packaged. Plus, you’ll learn some tips about how to find a great business partner, why the company uses their own warehouse, and why they decided to work with Amazon. Plus you’ll get to see how much fun it is to play with their amazing bubbles!
To watch the full video of today’s episode, head over to youtube.com/thetoycoach and subscribe to our channel.
Episode #167: The GREAT Toy and Game Idea Bootcamp [JOIN NOW]
Visualize, Validate, and Vow to make your toy or game idea real this year with accountability and guidance from The Toy Coach team! Inside this Bootcamp, you’ll get step by step training and accountability to visualize and validate your toy or game idea FAST. We’ll spend 5-days in a private Facebook community, where I’ll teach you my streamlined 6-step concept development process over 3 LIVE trainings. In just 3 hours and 5 days you can completely change the way you approach toy development from scratch.
If you have an idea that you aren’t sure is a “toy”, stick around for the second half of this week’s episode. I share an extended version of an episode that will help you answer the question, is this really a toy product? Learn 3 exercises to help you identify if your idea falls into the category of toy, game, or general kids products.
Once you figure out where your idea falls, I’d love to welcome you into The GREAT Toy & Game Idea Bootcamp. It starts March 27th, it’s only 5 days long with 3 training sessions and a private Facebook group for all members.
To join visit: https://learn.thetoycoach.com/bootcamp