The Toy Coach

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How To Get Your Toy Or Game In Retail By Working With A Distributor: 5 Tips You Need To Know

What is a toy distributor? In the toy industry, a distributor is a company that can serve many purposes for a toy or game developer or inventor. They help you get your products into more stores, and they use their expert knowledge and long-term relationships in the industry to help your business succeed. So, why should you work with one?

1. Create and Manage Relationships With Buyers

Distribution companies have the connections needed to get your products in front of more people. They create relationships, and manage them, with top buyers. Without their expertise, it may be more of a challenge to get your product in a store like Target or Wal-Mart. They know the people, the desires, and the personalities of these businesses which informs how they handle conversations about product placements.

2.Foster Great Matches Between Buyers and Products

Greg Watson, the national account manager for Publisher Services, Inc. (AKA PSi), one of the top toy distributors in USA, says that at PSi, they consult with buyers to learn about their needs. That allows them to pick the perfect products for their markets. Then, they also work with publishers and game developers to figure out how to provide the most value to the buyer. 

3. Smaller Publishers and Producers Can Level Up

Using a distribution company is a great way for smaller game developers to break into the big time. They have more purchasing power, and they have the relationships needed to get your products into the limelight.

Some game distributors are more just about delivering the product where it needs to go. However, others, like PSi, help with retail marketing strategies and offer product and packaging advice when needed. So, it’s not only a great way to get your product in big box stores and on popular ecommerce websites, but working with a distributor can also be a way to learn a bit from experts in the industry.

According to Greg Watson of PSi, board game wholesale distributors and other toy distributors work with producers of any size from a mom and pop operation that needs a little more advice and assistance, to larger businesses that mostly want to utilize the distributor's network and relationships with stores and buyers.

While being interviewed for The Toy Coach Podcast, Greg shared a story about a black mother who created puzzles featuring black and brown skin tones, because she wanted her kids to play with puzzles in which they felt represented. Through their collaboration, her diverse puzzles will now be sold in Target! What a huge win for working with a distributor.

4. Warehouse and Logistics Hub

Distributors all offer different services for varying fees, they may provide inventory management, warehousing, and even delivery of products. For smaller businesses, logistics can be a complicated and costly affair. A toy distributor takes a lot of that hassle away. However, you will likely still need to do direct-to-consumer sales yourself, especially if you have your own website. The distributor mainly takes care of wholesale orders. However, this takes a lot of work off of your hands so you can focus on what it is that you and your team does best.

5. Get Advice From Market Experts

People who work at toy distribution companies not only have amazing relationships with retailers, they also know what kinds of things work. Working with a distributor can be just like having an expert brain to pick who is also on your side. Your distributor wants you to succeed, because when you succeed, they succeed. 

They are not only the experts on what may do well, they also know how to manage the relationships that will help your business grow. Additionally, they have the relationships with logistics suppliers to get your goods where they need to go, when they need to be there. 

How could working with a distributor help your toy or game business?

If you want to learn more about working with a distributor click here to listen episode #72 of the toy coach podcast featuring Greg Watson of publishers services inc.

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