Making It In The Toy Industry is your secret weapon for showing up like a pro in the toy and game industry.
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Episode #148: Answering Your Questions About Toy Creators Academy
Have you been considering joining Toy Creators Academy to develop your toy or game idea? Do you still have a few questions about how the program works, when it starts, or what it covers? This episode is perfect for you! In today’s podcast episode, The Toy Coach addresses the most frequently asked questions about this 12 week group coaching program. Toy Creators Academy is the only toy education and implementation program of its kind that not only shows you how to fully develop your toy or game idea like a pro — but also how to properly pitch that idea to buyers and toy companies. Are you ready to bring your toy and game ideas to life? Make it happen with the guidance and support provided by Toy Creators Academy.
Episode #147. This NEW Toy Category is Bursting into the Wellness Game
Today’s podcast episode was inspired by several conversations I’ve had with my biz besties around health and mindfulness, as well as conversations with my colleagues in the toy industry. This is the exploration of a growing category in the toy industry called Comfort & Wellness. These toys are marketed to make us feel better, sleep better, and even think better…but overall the consistent theme of Comfort & Wellness toys is to reduce our anxiety.
Episode #146: How To Stand Out As A New Toy and Game Inventor or Entrepreneur
Today’s episode is for those of you who are 1, just getting started in the toy industry, maybe you’re in your first few years or 2, haven’t started yet but keep looking over the fence and waiting for the perfect moment to jump in. In today’s episode, The Toy Coach discusses how you can stand out as a new creator in the toy and game industry. If the toy industry feels like a big, noisy place and you have no clue how to stand out as a new-ish creator hit play on this week’s episode.
Episode #145: How To Take Your Card Game From Boutique Stores to Target with Kiara Imani
“The games category is too competitive!” “You shouldn’t even try to get a card game into Target!” If Kiara Imani had let those thoughts dissuade her from trying, she may have never gotten her Like U card game into one of the biggest retailers in the United States. Today, my podcast guest Kiara shares how she came up with, designed, manufactured and sold her conversation starting card game, Like U. In a world where we’re always trying to put people in boxes, the Like U card game helps players to enjoy a conversation of differences.